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BELONG to His People
BECOME Like Jesus
The gospel is central to who we are and all we do.
The gospel is the good news that through Jesus we can live now and eternally in a relationship with God. It is in the completed work of Jesus we are called to believe and trust in, not our own works. In salvation we are filled with the Holy Spirit, who works in our lives toward righteous living, unity among believers, the building up of the church and the glory of God being known to all. The gospel shapes our minds and hearts as children of God and transforms our lives into reflections of Jesus.
We believe in making disciples who make disciples.
In Jesus’ final command we discover our mission. Disciples are not mass produced, they are hand made. Walking with someone through their transformational journey is built on teaching all Jesus taught and applying it to all the moments of life through gospel-centered relationships.
Jesus is our message and people are our mission.
Our message to the world is Jesus. Like Jesus, we are called to change the world through the lives of people. Realizing physical and spiritual needs allows us to serve and communicate in rhythm with God’s mission in reaching people.